Help | Biblia Sacra, Vulgatae Editionis, Anno 1914
Version Information about this public domain online version of the Latin Vulgate Bible
This online version of the Latin Vulgate Bible is in the public domain. The text of the online version is taken from a copy of the the Sixtus V and Clement VIII Latin Vulgate Bible published in 1914, as follows.
Biblia Sacra
Vulgatę Editionis
Sixti V Pont. Max.
Iussu Recognita
Clementis VIII
Auctoritate Edita
P. Michael Hetzenauer
The editor of this 1914 edition was P. Michael Hetzenauer, Ord. Min. Cap. The abbreviations after his name mean: "The Order of Friars Minor, Capuchin." View a scan of the title page. This version will be published on this site as html files.
Please note that the text of this version of the Bible often has a question mark or a period followed, not by a capital letter, but by a small letter. In other words, question marks and periods can occur in the middle of sentences. This is an oddity of older texts from the 19th and early 20th century.
Also available is the text of the 1861 edition of the Pope Sixtus V and Pope Clement VIII Latin Vulgate Bible, edited by Carolus Vercellone.
Since the text of this online version of the Latin Vulgate Bible was taken from a copy published in the year 1914, the entire text is in the public domain. The online version is likewise entirely in the public domain, including all html, css, and other files. All files on the web site are in the public domain.
Be Advised: No person, company, or organization may claim any kind of copyright or restriction whatsoever on this version of the Bible. If some decide to print and distribute copies of this version, they cannot claim a copyright on the printed version, even if they make some changes. If some decide to place copies of this version on their web site, they cannot claim a copyright on the electronic or web version, even if they make some changes to the files.
This edition of the Pope Sixtus V and Pope Clement VIII Latin Vulgate Bible is a free, public domain version of the Sacred Bible, which is freely and widely available in electronic form, including over the internet. Please feel free to post this version for viewing, and to offer the files as a download, on your web site. The files are all public domain and free to download, use, and redistribute. However, you may not claim any copyright or other restriction on your posting of these files, even if you make some changes.
If anyone wishes to offer a printed edition of this version is free to do so. A printable electronic version will be made available, so that publishers will have an easy way to put this version in print. Since the entire text is public domain, anyone can publish a printed version, but no one can copyright the text, even if they make some changes to the text.
If anyone tries to take this version out of the public domain, may God prevent them. The Holy Bible should not be owned by anyone. No version of the Bible should be under copyright or other restriction. The Word of God should be freely and easily available to everyone.
May God be ever blessed.